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Monday, March 5, 2012

Vanessa Kachadurian- Hopscotch Adoption's Fake Press release claiming victory removed!!!

Hi Vanessa,

This is a serious issue, and I have reported your issue to our manager, actually our website doesn’t support for this kind of press release submission, and under our discussion we have agreed to remove the press release as your request, please refresh the page by using f5.

Thanks for your reminding which let us avoid a big problem.

If you still have problem or some other new problems you find, you can e-mail us at all times.

FPR is not affiliated with the said party.



On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 5:15 AM, Vanessa Kachadurian wrote:


Title: Hopscotch Adoptions Claims Victory Against Serial Cyber Defamer

Complaint and Evidence: This Adoption agency is lying and never received a judgment but a partial reimbursement for their enormous legal fees. She is using this site to discredit me while trying to inflat her own image. Research online there are many articles about this adoption agency who has made over $1.3 million in fees in 4 years.

Username: Vanessa Kachadurian



  1. I don't know what happened. If, as some are claiming, here claims are without merit, I'd like to state the following.

    1) Filing a complaint does not mean an event occurred.

    2) You can not easily discipline someone for filing a complaint that has no proof.

    3) Reassignment away from the alleged harasser can at times be considered retaliatory and you can sued for that.

    4) I wish the article had presented whatever evidence there was of the negative behavior claimed as well as site the relevant laws dealing harassment accusations.

    5) Lawyers typically take about 30-40% of an award if they took the case on contingency.

    So your plaintiff has been put in the hole with her own stupidity.

  2. Dear Anon;
    Yes, you are correct and more than likely are an attorney? I am guessing from here in central california?

    #1 is the most obvious.

    That original complaint was full of errors, wrong spelling of my name and they didn't have my employer correct or forget to mention that the Across the World Restraining Order was DENIED.

    The other issue is the plaintiff's counsel kept stating "on information and belief" - they didn't know for certain but were guessing. A very expensive guessing game that they lost at.

  3. another victory! a digital watch group has decided to take down a copy of bennet Kelley's fake press release. sorry that he goes to such lengths to supress the truth.
