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Monday, February 25, 2019

Does Extortion law work? It's hasn't worked for Bennet Kelley

Bennet Kelley Extortion Law from Vanessa Kachadurian

Bennet Kelley you are slipping, too predictable,
Fake paperwork at the courts
Harassing family members
Finding a family member that hates the defendent
Fake TRO (Temporary Restraining Orders) passed off as effectuated
FAKE Bench warrant never issued by Judge Stern on Khama Anku
taking advantage of a mentally disturbed brother. 
protecting child traffickers, spam marketeers, sweet heart scam artists & revenge porn models.
Lost your writing gig at Huffington Blog
Lost the podcast online that you passed off as being "Top Radio Host"
Remember you are required by law to E FILE you cannot any longer walk your paperwork in, the courts know you have been e filing one document then sending with your fake wife another set of paperwork to the defendant. 
other attorney's in internet law disrespect and have contempt for you.

Produce 1 judgment that you have won against me , just 1 judgment you won.  You don't have shit you loser. 

By the way Bennet Kelley I am now hosting a Vodcast maybe I will have you as a guest sometime.  Although I cannot think of one interesting thing you would have to talk about except your obsessive hate toward President Trump. 

Here you blew it again you stole Attorney Jeffrey Pape's facebook page and created a website with his name and FAMILY PHOTOS on it about me.   The real Jeffrey Pape in Clovis didn't think that was too funny.  Shame on you Bennet. 

Come get him Wanda your hubby is losing it. 

And the funniest stealing my facebook photos, creating a facebook page with my name - first give away is saying I work for Geragos & Geragos there is only one person that obsesses over famous attorneys and that is YOU., the footage of you in their restaurant at Engine 29 while you waited for a chance meeting with Greg Kiragosian is priceless its a must see.  You sure know how to drink don't you?  started at an early age I guess, burnt out your brain cells. 

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