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Friday, February 17, 2012

Vanessa Kachadurian- "Kellyisms" aka stupid remarks

Kellyisms aka “stupid things I say to get out of doing something illegal or unethical.

1.“The website with the stolen Federal Court Seal was done merely as a Mosaic” After being warned by Federal Judge of the offenses of abusing the Court Seal. Charges and complaint filed in US Court and State Bar.
August 8, 2010 court transcript. (huh?)

2. “I only put up a web site on the Defendant to manage the case and free it from Spam”
October 2010 Declaration (WTF? You are a paid pro spam lobbyist)
From Kelly’s Linked In Profile:
Has served as in-house and outside general counsel for an array of entertainment and technology companies, including ValueClick, ETM Entertainment Network, Hi-Speed Media and “Served as in PAST TENSE.

3. “In opposing these internet and green tech initiatives, the GOP is being pro-“special interest”, not pro-business*. While they will attempt to obscure this important debate with political buzz words” (political buzz words like “mosaic” or “tweeking on a lark”)
from Huffington Report October 2009 (P.S. Huffington Post does not PAY their contributing columnists)

4. “[It is] grievously hurtful to our society when vilification becomes an accepted form of political debate [or when] vengeance becomes more desirable than vindication [and personal attacks] drown out the quiet logic of serious debate” yet- launched in January 2003.?) P.S. Bush Lies. net ordered taken down because of defamation and vilification. also is a contributing author to Big Bush Lies: 20 Essays and a List of the 50 Most Telling Lies of George W. Bush (RiverWood Books 2004). Batman – Takes one to know one, YOU are all about vengeance and making up drama to keep yourself front and center. Batman is also a sore loser.
From Huffington Post November 2009 (what do you all expect from a free contribution?)

5. Political Analyst and Commentary for over 30 years (never has run for office)
author of "President Bush: The False Prophet of the Christian Right" which appears in Big Bush Lies (RiverWood Books 2004). “For example, under President Bush civil citations to polluters dropped nearly sixty percent which may contribute to an increase in the estimated 700,000 hospital admissions and 100,000 premature deaths caused by air pollution each year.” (Batman what is your source? Make false claims and stats but no supporting documentation-did you pull this out of your ass?) Batman, it is more than likely Obama will lose in 2012 and so will the Democrats as a whole. Sorry, but don’t take it out on Republicans and pull your hissie fits, or attack’s someone’s family.
From the Democratic Underground November 2004

6. “he has been recognized for an "entertaining and compelling mix of bite, intelligence and humor" and "read[ing] the Bush administration like a book." He has provided political analysis and insight to television, radio and print media ranging from KABC to the Washington Times drawing upon his 30” (recognized by WHO? Please cite your source)

From All American Speakers (Batman you speak poorly and need some speech lessons- work on the voice and diction/tone it is horrid listening to you is worse than my kid crying) Besides they look for handsome men not crème puff looking men. But that is a nice wedding ring cover.

All American Speakers is a "buyers agent" and exclusively represents talent buyers looking to secure celebrities and speakers for personal appearances, speaking engagements, corporate entertainment, private events, public relations campaigns, promotions or commercials.

7. “Today Show has brief interview of me in puff segment on spambulance chaser Dan Balsam”
“Quoted in AP profile of spamigator Dan Balsam”
“More interview clips (Today and CBS-SF) in Media Coverage and the Balsam Chronicles”
From Batman’s Twitter Account (January 2011) Batman, you don’t get it -America is on the side of the spam fighter not the spam lobbyist. See #2 above. The California anti-spam law is very clear. *We thought you said it was the Republicans that only care about big business? (See #3 Batmanism) Careful your nose is growing so much that Batman mask won’t fit.

8. “Contributor to the Journal of Internet Law and is a frequent speaker on internet law at conferences across North America. His recent presentations include the following: Who's Nibbling at My Cookie, SXSW Interactive (March 16, 2010)
Essentials Of Cyberspace Law: User Generated Content, Privacy and Online Advertising, California Bar Business Law Section Essentials Webinar Series (January 27, 2010)”

From another law firm’s website where Batman works for extra bucks (Can you please validate any proposals you have made to California or Federal law?) thank you. We wait your reply. The truth is you never have any testimony before Congress on the Internet, you are small potatoes.

9. “Intelligent, shrewd, funny, but still able to be cold and calculating when he needs to, as all truly excellent lawyers need to be.” (description by a client with no name)
From “What About Paris? News and ideas daily for serving clients, customers, business and law globally. Under “There’s a Recession”? (June 2010) Batman you are cold and calculating but so predictable. It’s all about you, you, you.

10. “He really seems to be trying to twist things for a buck,” says XXX a defense lawyer who has become Balsam’s arch nemesis over the years in the rough-and-tumble litigation niche that has sprung up around spam.
“There is nothing wrong per se with being an anti-spam crusader,” said XXX, who has sued Balsam twice for allegedly violating confidentiality terms in settlement agreements. “But Dan abuses the processes by using small claims court.” (Batman under $5,000 is considered small claims court, sorry but it is the law. Don’t need to have sour grapes because Dan has won over 50 cases against your Spam Marketing buddies)

From News Tribune, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, CNN and other news 12/10

11. “I did it on a lark to tweek him” XXX explained why he cybersquatted on someone’s blog. Gee sounds like the only Freedom of Speech Batman wants to protect is his OWN speech and what he choses or is PAID to say.
Celebrity career in Law will never happen, except in your mind Batman.

From the top 5 Internet Lawyers in the world, too bad you are at the bottom 20

Remember I have clout and who I know.