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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Why do Lawyers have the highest rate of Depression?

Vanessa Kachadurian on corrupt and sick lawyers- This explains it!

Fast Facts About Depression

Major depressive disorder affects approximately 14.8 million American adults, or about 6.7 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a given year (Archives of General Psychiatry, 2005, Jun; 62(6):617-27).

While major depression can develop at any age, the median age of onset is 32 (U.S. Census Bureau Population Estimates of Demographic Characteristics, 2005).

People with depression are four times as likely to develop a heart attack than those without a history of the illness (National Institute of Mental Health, 1998).

Major depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide among persons ages five and older (World Health Organization, "Global Burden of Disease," 1996).

Depression will be the second largest killer worldwide after heart disease by 2020 (World Health Organization, 2001).

15% of the population of most developed developed countries suffer severe depression (World Health Organization, 2001).

Depression’s annual toll on U.S. businesses amounts to about $70 billion in medical expenditures, lost productivity and other costs. Depression accounts for close to $12 billion in lost workdays per year (The Wall Street Journal, 2001, National Institute of Mental Health, 1999).

Depression is the cause of over two-thirds of the 30,000 reported suicides in the U.S. each year (White House Conference on Mental Health, 1999).

Nearly two out of three people suffering with depression do not actively seek nor receive proper treatment (Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, 1996).

A poll conducted in 2004 found that 54% of Americans believe depression to be a moral weakness (National Mental Health Association).

Major Depressive Disorder is the leading cause of disability in the United States for Ages 15 – 44 (World Health Organization, 2004).The chances of developing major depression at some point in life are estimated at 22 percent for women and 10 percent for men (National Institute of Mental Health, 2006).

Antidepressants work for 35% to 45% of the depressed population, while more recent figures suggest as low as 30%. (New York Times, June 20, 2002).

Dysthymic disorder (chronic, mild depression) affects approximately 1.5 percent of the U.S. population ages 18 and older. This figure translates into about 3.3 million American adults (National Institute of Mental Health, 2004).

Bipolar disorder affects 5.7 million American adults, or about 2.6 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older (National Institute of Mental Health, 2004).

If a person has one episode of major depression, the odds of having another episode are 50%; if you have three episodes, your odds are 90%. (Richard O’Connor, Ph.D.)

Fast Facts About Lawyers With Depression

A 1990 Johns Hopkins study looked at 104 occupations to see which professions suffered from the highest rates of depression. Lawyers topped the list (when adjusted for socioeconomic factors). and were found to suffer from clinical depression at a rate of almost four times that of the norm.

A study discovered that 23.4 of the attorneys in the State of Washington reported significantly high levels of depression.

From reports of Lawyers Assistance Programs across the country, it is verifiable that suicide among male lawyers is approximately two (2) times more likely than among men in the general population.

Researchers who studied lawyers in the States of Washington and Arizona found that 19% of these attorneys were clinically depressed and 15% were thinking of suicide.

Researchers studied law students to find out their rates of depression. By late Spring of their first year, 32% of the students were depressed. By the Spring of their third year, that number had risen to 40%. Two years after law school, the same subjects reported that 17% of them were still depressed.

"At Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers in Boston, depression and anxiety have equaled or surpassed alcohol and drugs as what the group calls a ‘presenting problem’ for five out of the past ten years. In 2005, depression or anxiety were cited by 26% of all lawyers who sought counseling, while alcohol and drugs were cited by 21%. (Boston Globe, 6/27/07).

"The number of lawyers seeking depression counseling jumps to 60% when the tally includes those wanting help with ‘career/practice management’. That catch all category encompasses a broad array of frustrations and often includes depression as a symptom." (Boston Globe, 6/27/07).

There are approximately 1 million attorneys in the United States today. In light of the foregoing statistics, it can be conservatively estimated that 250,000 attorneys are suffering from depression.

There are 343,506 licensed attorneys in New York State. In light of the foregoing statistics, it can be conservatively estimated that 85,875 attorneys are suffering from depression in New York.

YIKES!!! with this many deranged Attorney's walking around the USA, none of us are safe.


  1. all i can say about lawyers having a high suicide rate is 'good'

  2. Anonymous
    That is very mean spirited, I would say they reap what they sow. If they would have some ethics and look at the junk cases they take perhaps people would have more respect for them. They are like undertakers, some day you might need one and usually because of circumstances out of your control.

  3. Vanessa, as a lawyer you has suffered from depression I find your comments not only mean-spirited, but stupid as well. You seem to have no grasp of what lawyers actually do for a living, preferring to believe the caricature of lawyers that you see on the idiot box.

    This blog is obviously a waste of time. I won't be back.

  4. Sorry anonymous
    I realize there are some lawyers that have a conscience and this is what more than likely causes their depression. The realization that they are doing something morally wrong and paid to attack others.
    You have a difficult profession one that is full of constant struggles and fighting, rarely do you have a happy moment as most people that hire you do so out of a sad or unfortunate experience.
    I work with many attorneys on the non-profit boards I serve on. I certainly see the other side to their humanity but I have no problem with telling them they are full of it when they are.
    One should not use their law license to harm but to state the facts, find the truth, come to a resolution and follow THE LAW. What we see today are too many self-serving attorneys. Sorry but that is the facts.
    I apologize again, I was not picking on mental health but merely pointing out how their job causes depression (cause and effect)
    if your job is causing you this much anxiety. I say "quit" it is so not worth it.

  5. This guys post above has bothered me for a few days. I felt haunted by the fact he/she felt I was making fun of a disability. No disability whether it is mental or physicial should be made fun of.
    I want to point out that this blog has a lot of imput from Attorneys. They are the ones that write many of the articles and jokes (they have the best jokes) They need to laugh it up.
    This blog is about the devil and angel in us all. Attorneys and Politicians are sometimes easy targets of this. Usually wayward politicans tend to have a JD or practiced law at one time. So lets see some other articles about the devils that hold their horns up with their halos.
    Frankly, I find lawyers fascinating, but with a high burn out rate. The happier ones that I know have a successful balance. They have another craft they enjoy like Hal Bolen who is an actor and participates in our Nutcracker but also performs in Shakespeare in the Park productions. He has that balance and is happy as a person because he feeds his soul with something creative -what he enjoys.
    So get a regular hobby, project or foundation that you work with.

  6. Suicide among lawyers, particularly prosecutors should be encouraged. If you are in a position to do so give them objects to accomplish the task. An never never try to prevent them from acting out.
